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October 4, 2017
Wyre Borough Council has published a draft of their new Local Plan for consultation. The Plan, which covers the period until 2031, includes proposals to deliver 8,615 new homes (or about 411 a year).
Around 6,000 of those homes will be on greenfield sites, with almost 3,000 of the homes yet to receive planning permission.

In addition to new homes, the Plan also identifies almost 44 hectares of new employment land in a bid to support the continued regeneration of Fleetwood Port, and the new Hillhouse Technology Enterprise Zone. It is also hoped that the proposed new employment development will help reduce levels of commuting out of the borough.

Despite the large number of new homes that are planned, a combination of traffic congestion, flood risk and Green Belt mean that Wyre will fall around 1,400 homes short of meeting their actual housing need. To address that, the council has asked the neighbouring Fylde Borough to include extra housing allocations in their own Local Plan to help make up the shortfall. So far, Fylde have refused.

One of the housing sites that is intended to be allocated, in Poulton-le-Fylde, was promoted through the Plan by The Strategic Land Group. It was the subject of a successful planning application earlier this year for up to 108 new homes.

Other allocations include significant extensions to the villages of Great Eccleston and Forton.

The Strategic Land Group is a specialist land promoter with extensive experience of working with land owners to deliver planning permission for development through the Local Plan process. We do all of that at our cost and risk. Our return is a share of the site's value once it is sold, so if we don't succeed, it doesn't cost you anything.

Whether a site is already proposed to be allocated or not, our strategy is tailor-made for each site to make sure we maximise it's value. If you know of a site that you think we can help with, please get in touch for a confidential discussion with no obligation.

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